Weight Loss

Losing weight is one of the toughest things that I have ever had to do.  Some people say I just need to tone up, but this keg I’m carrying says I need to do a little more.  That’s what happens when you stop playing sports & change that to eating & sitting on the couch…lol.  I found this article from Blackdoctor.org on jump-starting weight loss & thought I’d share the high points.

There are several things that you can do in your own home that don’t require heavy lifting or huge blows to the ego.

Here are 5 ways to jump start your weight loss:

1. Cut Out the junk – sugary/crunchy treats provide empty calories which pack on the pounds (usually in the stomach & hips area)

2. Get more rest – more sleep you get the more your appetite is curbed.

3. A glass of water in the morning – cleanses body of toxin formed during rest & awakens metabolism to burn fat then convert it to energy

4. Weigh in once a week

5. Have patience

I got a problem with 1,2, & 5.  I’m getting it together though because I said I was going to be 2 pc bikini ready by my birthday (in a few weeks) & I meant that.  I might miss it but I will at least have on a sexy one piece.  This year’s birthday is going to be a hot bod birthday – Ha!