Small/BIG deal

Today, we had a meeting on some system updates reflecting better ways to show particular data. For example, if I’m looking for orders & forecasts for a Mikey Mouse book, I can go to one screen for all that info.
Anyway, we were supposed to meet in a conference room, but had to move the meeting to the showroom.
Now, this is small, but a big deal (to me). The room was HUGE. There were product displays everywhere. You walked in surrounded by every last item currently being sold, tested, or being presented for testing. The tv screen was in the middle of the room mounted on a wall divider cued up for the tutorial. It was great. I actually felt like part of the company once I walked into the room. I actually have my hand in everything including creating presentations for client meetings. I’ve dreamed of being a part of something like this. Now, I can say it’s no longer a dream.

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